Zaizen Yuta
4 min readOct 24, 2020
Reykjavik in winter

I have become a freelancer since May 2019 because I had decided to come back to Oita prefecture, which is my hometown. (cf.)Why I Have Become a Freelancer in Digital Marketing

At that time I used to plan to came back there 3–5 years later because I used to think that I couldn’t immediately work remotely.

However, I have becomed to work remotely because of COVID-19, so I have decided to come back there in March 2021.

I will explain next my goal after coming back.

I want to move to Iceland

You may be surprised: My friends and followers are surprised when I explain them that I want to move to Iceland. I will explain in detail.

Actually, I have loved islands from before, so I have travelled them in Japan: (e.g.)Izu, Ogasawara, Sado, Oki, Yaku, Okinawa. I used to think about whether I would move them or not, so I have thought to live a dual life between Oita and islands after deciding to come back to Oita.

I have been interested in Iceland while finding out many islands. Below is that reason:

(1)It has seas, mountains, and hot springs, which Oita has also.

(2)It has northern lights, waterfalls, and glacier, which Oita has nothing or less.

(3)It isn’t popular yet in Japan, and I love islands which isn’t popular yet.

Below is pictures in Iceland, which Japanese blogger post on his blog as free images.

Gullfoss Fall
Diamond Beach
Blue Lagoon

First I want to live in Iceland for 1 month

However, I don’t know whether it is comfortable or not for me to live in Iceland because I haven’t been there. It may be difficult to live although it is wonderful to travel.

First I want to live in Iceland for 1 month after COVID-19 goes down. It is possible for me to live there and work with companies in Japan because I work remotely.

I take 4 actions to move to Iceland

It is impossible to go there because Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan requests Japanese to stop to go abroad, so I take 4 actions to prepare for moving there.

(1)I find out a lifestyle in Iceland

I watch videos about a lifestyle in Iceland on YouTube, which an immigrant from Japan have posted .

(2)I practice to listen English

I have to listen and speak English to talk with Icelanders because they can speak English: it is ideal for me to speak Icelandic in terms of understanding cultures of Iceland, but it is hard.

However, I am poor at listening English because I goofed off learning to listen when I was a student, so I can’t listen when English native speaker speaks English with speed.

Therefore, I practice shadowing English videos, speaking English on broadcast application.

(3)I write in English in medium

I want to work with companies in Iceland if I live there, but I must seem strange for Icelanders because I post on blog only in Japanese.

Therefore, I have started to write in English. I’m good at reading and writing English, so I can tell my thoughts.

Which text media should I write? In Japan, It is popular to write in, but it isn’t popular outside of Japan. I found out that it was popular to write in medium, so I have started to write in medium.

(4)I look for Icelanders who are familiar with digital marketing in social media

I will probably work in digital marketing if I work with companies in Iceland, but I don’t know information about digital marketing in Iceland.

I couldn’t find out them although I tried to find out in Google. Companies in Iceland may post a job not in English but in Icelandic.

I couldn’t find out myself, so I have decided to look for Icelanders who are familiar with digital marketing. I have sent Icelanders DM in social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.

Please feel free to contact me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn if you have trouble about digital marketing.

Zaizen Yuta

I am a freelancer in digital marketing. I am good at B2B Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing.